1) One Dude Listening is actually my second venture. www.Alden-Tan.com was my first foray into writing for myself and internet marketing.
I fail spectacularly and went broke.
2) Not trying again was never an option. It's just in you I guess.
4) Perhaps one day I shall speak to the camera.
5) Being consistent everyday is key, and that's tough too. I am trying to write and post content on social media everyday.
6) The more you share with friends, the more you realize the ones you think will support you the most will actually not.
7) A.B.S., as in Always Be Sharing is something I abide by.
8) If you're working from home, get a standing desk. It does heaps for your producitivity.
9) It's easy to feel the allure that branding and marketing is easy today because it's a lot easier to go viral on social media today.
10) It's hence easy to feel jealous and inferior by the many kids out there who seem to making it on social media.
11) But the way I see it, there's a difference between just goofing around there, albeit being consistent and having an actual game plan.
12) I write about mental health and am trying to help others, but the lines between helping people and making money from it can be blurred.
13) Getting out of your comfort zone is an everyday job.
14) I started my first blog ten years ago and was on it for seven years. There truly is a change in how we create content and absorb media today. I've since decided that I would separate the blog and my social media as separate entities.
15) I plan to sell apparels here and suddenly, I am studying fashion.