I was shopping for books the other day at a big bookstore and I honestly could feel the inspiration oozing out of the books.
I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true.
I already knew what books I wanted and made a beeline for them. Then I took my time around the fiction section to check out some of my favorite authors including Neil Gaiman and Haruki Murakami.
It felt like, damn, if these guys can do it, so can I. I can get my books up on the shelves one day.
It's like, these are my people. These guys get it. They get writing. They understand what art is and how important it is in one's life.
It felt like I belong.
It's common advice today to get rid of toxic people in your life.
I'd say, on the flip side, put in the effort to get to your right environment every once in a while.
Go to a mueseum.
Go look at paintings.
Go to a huge ass garden.
Go underwater.
Get to your home.