And gentleman refer to each other as men.
Good morning, welcome to a post that may piss you off.
Are you still calling your friends 'bro'? Do you guys name your circle of dudes a 'brotherhood'? Do you think because of this brosomeness you guys should be friends forever?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then sorry not sorry, you're a little boy.
In my life, I've come to learn that the title that is 'bro', save for using it as a candid greeting, eventually becomes nothing more than a callous benchmark in any given friendship or relationship.
It seems like guys all around continue toxic connections because of a misguided sense of brotherhood, some of which is related to gangsteristic nonsense or pretty much just drinking and partying all the time.
And I am certain all guys the world over will gain the epiphany that is they're intertwined in toxic relationships once they hit a certain age.
If you feel like you're drowning in toxicity, it's time to get out.
Stop being a little boy. Become a gentleman.
A gentleman by definition alone has:
. Class
. Manners.
. Empathy.
. Honor.
. Respect.
. A clean haircut and nice clothes so he doesn't look like dog shit.
A simple Google search will give you more traits.
Ultimately, become a gentleman because you recognize that change is the only constant in life.
Man up and shed the weak brotherhood.
Move on when you must. That said, moving on yourself will allow your 'bros' to become gentlemen too.
That is how all of you grow up.