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Since I started my brand and selling shirts, I've received a lot of support from friends. It has...
Imagine 9/11. The planes have crashed into the twin towers. It's chaos. On a single storey...
A brilliant video on how the signs of someone struggling from mental health is either not there...
Here's this week roundup of my Linkedin Posts where I write about marketing, branding and...
Not every YOLO dude is an inspiring figure who doesn't care about what others think as he does...
I used to cringe when I call someone a "bro." I mean, we aren't even close. And we are...
Forgive, but not forgotten. You don't have to continue being friends with someone you forgive. ...
Today you’re enough. Don’t believe that random social media guru. Don’t listen to your boss...
I've had the unfortunate luck of being friends with people who thought it would be okay to change...
I think that in business, being consistent for the sake of being consistent or because others...
2023年9月27日 ·
The Snap is liberating. It's when you decide once and for all that you've had it with trying to...
You've a problem, and so you share it with your friends or family. They disagree with how you...
2022年10月14日 ·
Back then when I was 12, I completed a major examination in my primary school. I did badly. ...
About a year ago I went to a government clinic here. It's usually packed on any given day. I...
Literally nobody knows this, for I've never talked about it before. Every now and then, I'd...
2022年10月2日 ·
When my dad died, it hit me like a fucking wave, one which was filled with big rocks and all...
We don't need more idols. We don't need more celebrities. We don't need more influencers. ...
2022年9月28日 ·
You realize people who take drugs are not necessarily bad people.You find out your parents'...
But the truth is, not everyone can teach. Some are great at their craft, but are absolutely...
2022年9月25日 ·
I've been watching a lot Shark Tank snippets on YouTube lately. I love it. It's just so...
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