1. I got into NFTs. Yes, I am one of those dudes. Yes, I also do think on some level that it's just a fucking JPEG. No, I don't think that they're entirely dumb. But remember this: When there's controversy, that's where the money is at. I made a bunch of money, but also got burnt.
2. I was unemployed for the entire year. I only got only a digital marketing course which paid me an allowance. You know your government is pretty dope when they pay you to upgrade yourself.
3. I have not learnt shit in the course cause I am lazy, the material is dull and I pretty much learnt most of it on my own in my past venture.
4. My inner skeptic for the course was created from maturity in the sense that I know my strengths. Know your strengths, focus on them and you're good.
5. I made some good friends in the course though. I just know that we'll be friends forever and that we can help each other out in time.
6. In fact, One Dude Listening was created with the help of a brilliant designer friend I made.
7. I am sort of diagnosed with high blood pressure. That sucks. One ought to watch one's drinking.
8. I find it sad that the vaccine has separated us into different groups this year.
9. I am starting to read more books just for mental health maintenance. Nothing else.
10. There is a genre of sorts on YouTuber in which previously famous YouTubers have met their downfall. Pretty bizarre and sad.
11. I had an extremely close contact with a Covid case this year. The experience opened my eyes. I'd say that on many levels, it's just a damn flu.
12. I used to think TikTok was only filled with cringey shit where people dance or act badly, but of late it's a lot better. When it's funny and original, it's funny as hell. When it's inspiring, it truly is.
13. Yet, TikTok, along with Instagram are like rabbitholes with mad vaccum power. When it sucks you in, you're sucked in. It can be a huge waste of time.
14. Hence, do we live in an age where instant jolts of dopamine is essential just to be entertained?
15. Spider-Man: No Way Home was the bomb!
16. If meditation doesn't work for you, then it doesn't. Just forget about it.
17. "When in doubt, zoom out" A piece of advice in cryptocurrency. Zoom out while looking at the charts to see how the coin or token is actually performing.
18. That said, zoom out in your life too. Look at how far you've come and not just focus on whatever shitty situation you have in front of you today.
19. I planned to travel next month, but Omicron wiped out all my plans lol. Thanks!
20. If you need help, please reach out.